Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Free Falling

This is a free fall video/song that I found on youtube that I thought gave a good summary of aspect free fall. First of all free fall is when an object falls due to the effect of gravity only, and under the influence of gravity there is no air resistance. In a free fall equation acceleration is equal to gravity (a=g) this is because the object is always accelerating at a constant rate of 10m/s.
How to calculate an objects velocity in free fall: v=gt (velocity is equal to gravity multiplied by time)
How to calculate how far an object has traveled in a time span: d=1/2(g)(t)^2 (distance equals half of gravity multiplied by the time squared)
An important concept to understand about free fall is that weight does not matter.

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Newtons second law of motion

This video that I found on Khan Academy gives a clear definition of Newton’s second law of motion. On it he states the equation most commonly associated with Newton’s second law: f = m x a (net force equals mass times acceleration). This equation can also be translated to a = f/m. But what is this equation really stating? It basically saying that acceleration is dependent on two variables: the net force of an object and the mass of an object.

a~f               Acceleration is directly proportional to the net force of an object
·      If net force decreases acceleration will also decrease.
·      In net force increases acceleration will also increase.

a~1/m        Acceleration is inversely proportional to mass
·      If mass increases acceleration decreases.
·      If mass decreases acceleration increases.