Monday, January 13, 2014

Angular Momentum

In class we recently learned about angular or rotational momentum, but before we learned about this we had to understand what rotational inertia was. Rotational inertia is the property of an object to resist changes in a spin, the more mass an object has the more rotational inertia it has (mass~rotational inertia). The rotational inertia also depends on the placement of the mass, for example a basketball has more mass on the outside which is farther away from the balls axis which is in the center because of the this the balls rotational inertia is greater than a ball with mass closer to its axis. When the students are squatting down farther from the center of the spinning wheel on the playground the system has more rotational inertia, but when to students stand up and move towards the center they begin to speed up because they are moving closer to the axis which means there is less rotational inertia.The conservations of rotational momentum takes place when the total momentum before they sped up equals the total momentum as the students are moving faster. The equation we learned for this was rotational momentum is equal to rotational inertia x rotational velocity. 

1 comment:

  1. I like how every thing in you post is very well organized. I also think that the video sounds cool even though I cannot see it because of my computer it is very well described in your video. I also think it is helpful how you described the topic before giving the equation. If you could add one thing it would be to describe the equation a little more.
