Tuesday, September 10, 2013


  • This year I hope to develop a better understanding on how physics can relate to our everyday lives. In class I also expect to learn more about inertia and how it occurs. Also I would like to grasp a deeper understanding of Newtons theory of relativity.
  • Physics is an important subject to learn about, because it gives an explanation of why things are the way they are. The role of physics in technological advancements is crucial, for without it we wouldn't have the inventions of cars or computers. Another basic reason why physics is important is because it is the reason for everyday happenings.
  • Questions that I have about physics; why do air bags keep you safe in a car? How do credit card machines read your information when you swipe your card? how do different musical notes blend together to make harmony?
  • My goals this year for physics include; turning in all assignments on time, plan to make time in advance to study for tests, and reach out to my fellow classmates for help or to collaborate on studying for tests.

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